
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Earth Day Celebration! Making Products from Recycled Materials

To celebrate Earth Day today, the students came in with their Earth Day Homework Projects! I found this great idea from the store, Literacy Loves Company on Teachers Pay Teachers! I assigned this project to be completed during the long weekend that students had off for Easter. Their job was to find recycled materials and create a functional product. The packet includes a timeline to keep track of their progress, websites for ideas, and a rubric! I love that my students are really creative and smart, so I knew this would turn out amazing! It was also a great way to transition back into school after so many days off (we were on a 3 day trip even before our 4 day break!)

*Beware of TONS of pictures!
I posted below some of the ideas students came up with - 

Her dog always ate her cat's food! So she came up with "The Food Station" Her cat can get up there, but not her dog. (She tested it out) The second picture came from home when she was experimenting with it. 

"Easy Build Mason Bee House" to keep Mason Bees safe until they are ready to hatch.

"Cup Boat" floats in the pool and even has a dock station for your ipod!

"Weather Vane" made with a measuring vile to collect rain and determine how much rainfall and a Pringles cap to determine the direction of the wind! He demonstrated it's effectiveness with a fan!

"Sock Sprouters" A place to keep your socks so you don't keep losing the other one! Made from a plastic egg carton!

"A Toy Guitar" made from cereal box, paper towel roll, and rubber bands!

"A Watering Station" made from a used milk container, an old water bottle, and a straw!

"A Mother's Day Tray" for breakfast in bed! Made from a box top, old magazine pages, bag handles, aluminum foil for the feet, and tissue paper. He made that flower himself from used materials!!

"Can Do Robot" looks like decoration, but can also hold specials things inside!

"The Winkler Sprinkler" to water plants with. Made from a milk container, old paint and rocks. She poked holes in the cap to make the water come out like a sprinkler!

"One Step at a Time: RECYCLE" game. Made from an old pizza box, bottle caps, and aluminum foil. This game has you help the environment as you play! For example, you might land on a square that gives you one minute to find a can that was littered outside and put it in the recycle bin!

"Fabric Shapes" is a game that replicates 'I Spy'. The directions tell you which shapes are inside the jar, you have to shake the jar and then try and find the shapes!


  1. Thank you so much for the shout out. I love how unique and creative children can be and your students are no exception! It is so much fun to see what they come up with each year!

  2. What creative students! They came up with some wonderful ideas. This project would also work well during a unit on inventions or inventors.

    Crockett's Classroom

  3. Great ideas.Thank you so much for sharing this.
