
Thursday, September 29, 2016

What Does Peace Mean to Me? A Positive Behavior and Classroom Decoration Activity!!

On International Day of Peace, I did a really fun activity with my fifth graders! There was a great discussion about peace and what it means to each of them. I have added to this lesson to include a suggested read aloud and a list of Peaceful Precepts for my future classes to choose from. This list will help students to design their 3-Dimensional peace signs that get hung from the ceiling in our classroom.

I love how this activity supports peaceful conflict resolution and it doesn't hurt that it adds to our classroom decor!  
We did this to celebrate a very important day, but it definitely could be use any day of the school year!

Cool design!

 Wow! Looks great!

 Looks great!

 After designing both peace signs, students cut them out and glue the tabs together 
in order to hang them from the classroom ceiling

 Final Products are now up in the classroom!

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