Monday, August 19, 2013

Words Their Way - How I Introduce it into My Classroom

If you have already used Words Their Way in your classroom, then you know that it is one of the best ways to teach spelling and even vocabulary!

You can buy the book on Amazon here

When it is in motion, it can be amazing. Kids are engaged and learning! The teacher can have a small group in the back of the room while others are involved. The trick to this program, (once you have figured out the pieces and parts to it) is getting the class on track. I have to say, behavior management is the biggest piece to making this thing work.

I came up with a 10 day program that will help you implement Words Their Way into your classroom. I created this a few years ago and shared it with my network of schools (teachers grades K-5). We ALL were able to successfully begin Words Their Way study into each of our classrooms. The students responded very well to the structure of the day. The Words Their Way is a great resource, and if used correctly, can produce amazing results. My 10 day program is based around having the kids practice how the classroom will run. It includes fun sorts that will allow students to focus more on what they need to be doing rather than how. The learning comes after you get the routine in place. It includes:

1. How to Introduce Word Study into Your Classroom (10 Day Program)
2. A Setup Guide that includes which materials students need to have, questions to think about for classroom management during this time, and ideas for practice sorts to get your students confident in starting this new adventure in the classroom!
3. A sort to model with any age group
4. A practice sort for students of any age group
5. Games Setup

Buy through my teacher store here at Teachers Pay Teachers! Leave some feedback and let me know what you think! I would love to hear how you set it up in your classroom!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing these supplements to such a popular program!


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