Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Student Magazines Completed!

This magazine project is a great way to culminate the writing year! Students first decide on a broad topic for their magazine. Some chose Soccer, Volleyball, Ukulele and even How to Be Happy! Then they were asked to write an Informational Article, Interview Article and an Editorial Article. Another job they had is to incorporate advertisements that related to the topics which could either be made-up services and products, or taken from real-life. At the end, they created a cover page that represented their magazine. I copied them on glossy paper and covered with report covers. They turned out great! 

*For those who might be interested in this month long project to do in the classroom, you can find the entire unit plan with all materials included (except the glossy paper and report covers) here

For the Informational Article, students were to give information on a subject that relates to the broad topic. For the Interview Article. students were asked to go out into the community and interview someone and write about what they learned. One student was able to interview a Frozen Yogurt employee for his Beach Magazine! For their Editorial magazine, students were to write about their opinion on a related topic. 

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