Monday, October 13, 2014

Buddhist Festivals and Holidays - Diorama Style!

I love assigning dioramas to students! The creativity and care that they put into their displays always amaze me. Every year. Every time I assign them. I only get to assign them twice a year (I love to mix things up, so the same project all the time would ruin anything that's really cool!).

Their assignment was to make a diorama that depicts a Buddhist holiday or festival. They had to also include an essay telling about the festival, which country celebrated it and how. I was fascinated by what they came up with! Pictures below :)

The Tooth Festival (Sri Lanka)

The Elephant Festival (Taiwan)

The Tibetan Butter Lamp Festival 

Buddhist New Year (Tibet)

The Elephant Festival (India)

The Festival of the Tooth (Sri Lanka)

The Festival if the Tooth (Sri Lanka)

The Festival of the Tooth (Sri Lanka)

The Buddhist New Year - Purification Ceremony (Thailand)

The Buddhist New Year - Purification Ceremony (India)

Wesak - Buddha's Birthday and Death Day Celebration 

New Year Festival (Tibet) 

The Tooth Festival (Sri Lanka)

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